Sunday, November 22, 2009

Book review: Photographic Possibilities

Malin read Robert Hirsch's third edition of Photographic Possibilities - and will be going straight into the darkroom after writing a review.

Heavier in weight, but lighter in it's feel comparing to the 2nd edition. This time Robert has moved from black and white images to full color, and they really lift the book.

The book is very much focussed on the users and their use of materials, even the history section highlights the use of materials, rather than the people inventing the materials.

The book is not a traditional how-to book, it is a bible of darkroom materials available at the same time as it pushes ideas, how to visualize, and how to appraise the creative process. The materials are incorporated into the process as a means of visualizing your idea.

Photographic Possibilities also does what it says on the tin, it covers b&w material and developers, how to prepare your own chemicals and toners, pinhole and toy cameras, and it even briefs over alternative photographic processes at the end. It is a bible for anyone doing advanced darkroom work, or who want to push their own working processes to the next level.

Perfect for the b&w darkroom enthusiast! Get the book on Amazon.

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